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Tag Archives: Writing

outside comfort zone


I’m not fond of writing..

But my very insistent friend asked me to.. Just love her very much that I couldn’t resist=)..

Just to be clear, I am taking up BS Accountancy.. Writing definitely takes the back seat.. I’m more into recording assets and liabilities and balancing financial statements.. But as the Great Angie went (teehee), I should try something different.. So here I am.. My pilot article.. And a blog, no less.. I guess I am lucky.. First, to be invited by the Great Ms. Angie to grace this blogsite (Geez! She should pay for the publicity and too much appraisal!).. Second, to finally discover the inner Shakespeare in me (if there really is any)..

So I advice you young people to step out of your shell and try something new.. Wow!.. This one’s fun..

Caution: Don’t be too amazed with my writing.. I know Ms. Angie has edited this before you get the chance to read my first blog.. Bow..

By Avid Friend (and Fan)